Programs & Events

Spinning & Weaving

For many years, the Museum conducted a Spinning and Weaving program for local 4th graders. The two part program consisted of a spinning demonstration and hands on weaving at the four harness looms. Due to a lack of available local demonstrators, the program is no longer offered at present.

Holiday School Tours

During the month of December, the Museum offers holiday tours to local school districts for grades K up to 6th. Volunteers and museum staff guide students through a tour of the exhibit, a craft project, and a story time themed to the exhibit.

Annual July Event

The Potsdam Public Museum often participates in the annual festival organized by the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce, showcasing items in our collection that relate to our current exhibit.

We bring old photographs, objects, and activities for those that stop by. Sometimes we even have the Museum itself open those anyone wanting to stop in and see the exhibit.

Led by an informed guide, these tours offer a history of Potsdam's most important people via a tour through the Bayside Cemetery.

Famous names like the Clarksons, Batchelders, Knowles, and more are visited at their final resting places. Biographies and interesting anecdotes are shared to highlight the lives and achievements of these valued Potsdam residents.

The history of the cemetery is also covered during the tour, from its earliest beginnings to the modern developments.

Concert Programs

At times the Museum hosts local musicians for concerts raising money for the museum, as part of the Exhibit, or in conjunction with another local institution.

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School Groups

The Museum welcomes visits from local educational institutions looking to tour the exhibit or engage in research projects.

Classes from SUNY Potsdam and Clarkson University have often visited the museum as part of class projects.

If you'd like to schedule a class visit, please contact us beforehand.

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