Reverend Howard Johnson Business Papers

Collection Overview

The Howard Johnson Business Papers consist of receipts for services and goods, mainly from Potsdam businesses, all made out to or by the Reverend Howard Johnson. In addition, are magazines entitled The Examiner, a religious publication. Receipts are from a variety of businesses in existence in 1926 such as J.R. Weston, White Hardware, Potsdam Feed and Coal, NNY Telephone, T.H. Perrin & Co., Pincus & Sons, Cash Hardware, Potsdam Waterworks, Brown & Bailey C. M. Co.,J.G. Donovan, William E. Murphy Bakery, Globe Steam Laundry, The People’s Bank, W.H. Cornell & Son Ice Co.,Cox Brothers Market, E.& J. Lenney, John Smith Grocer, James H. Sullivan Meats and Groceries, O.P. Benson Co. and more. Receipts are mainly for the purchase of groceries, utilities and laundry. This collection highlights the assortment of businesses within the Potsdam area during the early 20th century and may be valuable as a source for research during this time-period.

Collection Number:  2024.008

Collection Length:  1 linear foot

Collection Start Year:  1911

Collection End Year:  1926

Finding Aid:  Reverend Howard Johnson Business Papers fa  (122 KB)

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