Linda Richard Collection

Collection Overview

The Linda Richards Collection consists of books, booklets, framed photographs, pictures, a scrapbook album, certificates, catalogs, manuscripts, newspapers, quarterlies, clippings, correspondences, and ephemeral material related to Linda Richards and her life work. Strengths of the collection can be found in the various books, booklets and binders related to Linda Richards, which gives a lot of information about Richards’s life work and accomplishments. Of special interest are copies of Western Union Telegram from President Dwight D. Eisenhower to Miss Jacqueline Di, Carlo; Aug. 23, 1954.

Collection Number:   Richards F.F I.C.

Collection Length:  1.73 Linear Feet

Collection Start Year:   1873

Collection End Year:   2015

Finding Aid:  Linda Richards Collection fa  (143 KB)

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