Funeral of Colonel Marsh

Lt. Colonel Marsh's funeral took place on Friday, July 1 [1862], and was one of the most elaborate military funerals ever held in the Village streets, and over 2,200 persons attended the funeral at the Methodist Church.

"At the close of the sermon the body was removed to the space in front of the church when thousands had an opportunity of gazing for the last time on the once beautiful, but now mangled murdered body of the deceased. When the coffin was finally closed, the procession again formed and proceeded to the cemetery near our depot where a large space had been kept clear by the constabulary force for the accommodation of those taking part in the service. This space, by the way, was designated by small flags placed around the area.

The body of Lt. Colonel Marsh was removed to Bayside Cemetery years later, together with those of his family. Marsh Post GAR, Number 214, was named in honor of Lt. Col. Marsh, as was the Marsh Women's Relief Corps, and auxiliary of the GAR post.

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